Monday, February 14, 2011

Bloody Valentines day...

Oh fucking hell! Its valentines and my whole family is laying in different places in the apartment trowing up like pigs.
I can forget all about the "No Sugar" thingy i was gonna try today. Today none of us is gonna eat anything but blueberrysoup! This far im the only one that hasnt trown up, but my tummy is acheing and i feel nausious... What a wunderful night and what a kick-ass morning... NOT!!!!

Waiting for  the clock to turn 10 so my dad will come by with the soup for us. The kids are so hungry but cant hold any real food. Blueberry soup is easy to just drink, and it doesnt hurt so bad when it comes back up again since its just freaking soup..


Talk to you guys later on.

Rock On!
// Saz

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