Start a blog- Go out on the pub/ on a cruiseship in pj's
- Sing in public (on a stage)
- Go backstage on a consert
- Randomly hand out cupcakes
- Bake 600 mini cupcakes
- Hand out toys to sick kids
- Hand out hugs to everyone dressed in red for a whole day
- Make our own "art gallery"
- Make friendship tattoos
- Go to pride
- Buy a homeless guy a nice dinner
- Hand out flyers when were all dressed in pink
- Take balroom dancing classes
- Have picnic in a roundabout
- Give blood
- Buy 15 people cheesburgers (random)
- Have a prom on Sergels torg (in the middle of stockholms city)
- Be handcuffed to each other for 24 hours
- Wear two different shoes a whole day
- Have a yardsale and donate the money to good will
- Interview someone famous/ interesting
- Write our own song
- Learn how to play a guitar
Movie marathon- Write a short kids story /kid book
- Make a scrapbook
- Say something nice to everyone you meet for a whole day
- Go to the store and back home without stealing a shoppincart
- Do an act of random kindness
- Go a whole day without consoming any sugar
- Live 24 hours without electricity
- Go a day without swearing/ curseing
- Say everything with a song for a whole day
- Try to learn a new language
- Lose 10 pounds without a diet
- Live like a homeless person for 3 days
- Go to soccergame dressed up as a cheerleader
- Try to win a contest
- Adopt a homeless pet
- Manage to keep a plant alive for more than two months
- Talk a secret language with everyone you talk to for four hours
- Hand out lemonade to people who is out jogging
- Do fifteen shots in thirty minutes
- Go a week without smokes
- Try hypnosis
- Go to a real art gallery
More to come...
// May and Saz